Sunday, 23 November 2014

Back to normal (whatever that is)

Have you noticed that when you return home after spending time away, as soon as you go through the door, it's as though you haven't been away at all. Homecoming is one of the pleasures of travelling, unless you are one of those itinerant people who have itchy feet and are already planning their next holiday.

There is, of course, the pile of mail on the doormat or, if you have a kind neighbour, it has been neatly placed on the table. I used to dread sorting through that pile, but retirement brings fewer letters of great importance. When I had sorted out this time's pile there was one letter for Kathy advising her that her winter fuel payment was on the way, a credit card bill and a party invitation for me. The rest was junk! And where, I might add, is my winter fuel payment?

We were back in time for Saturday's church jazz evening with village sax and clarinet player, Bill Goyder, with his quartet. What a great evening it was and it raised a good sum for church funds. Gainford seems to have an unlimited supply of musicians, with at least four bands that I know of, as well as three choirs. Sadly, the Gainford Singers will be giving their last concert next month, but the new community choir, Scherzo, is growing week by week, and will be singing at the Sage in Gateshead on the 10th December. OK, it's only in the large foyer overlooking the Tyne, but it's a  start.

In this morning's Eucharist, celebrating Christ the King, Martin reminded us that we are a 'saved' people - I've never quite understood the theology of salvation, even though I know it's supposed  to be one of the central beliefs of the Christian Faith, so a conversation with Martin is on my agenda.

Meanwhile Gegenforde prepares a suitable festive repertoire for the farmer's market at Raby Castle next weekend. Between Friday and Sunday I have to try and fit in 2 band practices and a performance, a Saturday family service at Gainford, Sunday's Advent service at Gainford, and an afternoon's Advent celebration at Winston.

So it's back to normal, the busy round of village activities and finding out all the gossip. I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back home safe and sound, I fully share your sentiments about homecoming, we are currently in Nottingham visiting our parents before heading home tomorrow. It has been a busy year with 11 trips away (5 including flightsabroad) and 4 lots of visitors. Nonetheless we feel blessed to be able to do it and to have such wonderful family and friends to share our time with. So home for a rest but have to fit in choir practice, tradecraft stalls, Monday lunch duty, media desk, house group............hope to see you next year. Xxx


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