Saturday, 29 October 2016

The world waits (article from Gainford and Winston Parish News)

We have  installed a rather attractive pine gate in the fence that separates us from St Osmund’s Church. The view that we have as we look through the gate is of a beautiful garden, but not,  as you might imagine, the garden of St Osmund's, which is lovingly cared for and a joy to see. The view is of our own small patio garden, which I love, but in which I do  very little gardening. The credit for our colourful garden is all due to Kathy.

How is it that when looking through the gate I see our own garden? It is because the gate is not really a gate but a very clever mirror device which produces what is called a ‘trompe l’oeil’, a French word which can be translated as ‘deceive the eye’.Our gate is designed to deceive and I feel a little selfish and guilty of providing visitors with a view which is not real.

It may not have escaped your notice, that ‘trompe’ and ‘Trump’ are  remarkably similar words. You will have been living on another planet if you do not know that Donald Trump is the Republican candidate for the Presidency of the most powerful nation in the world, the United States of America. The democratic  election takes place this month and Mr Trump has many supporters willing him to win the election. I think we all know that what politicians say in order to get themselves elected should be taken with a pinch of salt, but some of the pronouncements and promises made by Mr Trump should be taken with a cellar full of salt. There are those who take the extreme view that he is deceiving the electorate when he claims to have the skills of leadership. 

My gate tempts me to look inward to my own concerns whereas God expects us to look outwards  into the world. The mark of a good leader is the ability to take a wider, compassionate view and to persuade others to come with them.. If Mr Trump is elected, time will tell whether he has that gift.

I am reminded of some words from a song , ‘Walk beside me’, written by Mutt Lange: Don't walk in front of me, I was not born to follow; Don't walk behind me, we were all born to lead; don’t walk without me, I might need you tomorrow; walk right beside me, be  the real friend I need.

In  this month of remembering, amongst those we remember on All Souls’ Day, All Saints’ Day and Remembrance Sunday  are people who were leaders of immense courage and compassion).  But on Advent Sunday we will begin our preparations to celebrate the birth of a very special leader, Jesus of Nazareth, ‘in whom there is no deceit’ (John 1 v 47). We must all pray that the next President of the United States of America will remember the words of the song and follow the example of our Lord.

Neil Russell

35 years as a priest

On Sunday the 1st October I celebrated the 35th anniversary of my ordination as a priest. I also decided that was a good pointmot step do...